As we enter the age of Aquarius, we arrive at a new beginning; notably a time when the consciousness of humanity ascends to a higher dimension. Some of us are already feeling this shift, as we experience a new quality of existence, or sense that one is available to us. We see clearly into the nature of limitations and work at disentangling ourselves from the web of ensnarement.
As the old paradigm collapses many have been feeling and will feel like a leaden weight is blanketed over their energy field, if not over the entire earth. And indeed, it is. When creative power is blocked for extended periods of time, when the free flow of energy has been greatly restricted, energy stagnates and becomes dense. Through the mire we can lose our clarity of vision. Potentially feeling lost, alone, embittered and/or fearful, there is great danger in resigning ourselves to the status quo.
When we journey through a dark time however, it is possible to see things as they really are; to have vitally important experiences on our way to awareness. With real eyes we begin to understand how responsible we are for the creation of our world. We become increasingly aware that a world that lives predominantly in the dimension of the ego, the small “i” (where I am right and you are wrong), is not only divisive, exhausting, and unsustainable, but for many people nerve-racking, and even unlivable.
To be clear, this duality exists in every aspect of our existence; black and white, male and female, fire and water, me and you. To be human and to be in relationship with other humans, is to experience all dualities, all opposites. The goal is not to avoid duality, but to become whole individuals through the embodiment and unification of opposites; essentially becoming conscious through relationship. Every endeavor to connect is an expression of our yearning to establish Oneness. What we feel we are missing in ourselves we see in the other, as they are part of the lost “whole”.
On our journey towards wholeness, it is a belief that we become enlightened simply by “choosing” love; but love is not a choice that we make, it is a feeling that we experience on the way towards, and in wholeness. It is akin to the quote from J. Richard Lessor, “Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder.”
Love is like that, although I hesitate to call it’s landing “soft”. It bubbles up from a spring deep inside your soul and electrifies your body. As Aleister Crowley wrote in The Book of Thoth, “[Love] is perfect and placid harmony radiating an intensity of joy and ecstasy.” How we get to that place of harmony, how we tame the elusiveness of the butterfly; that my friend, is in the journey.
Nuith begins as a collection of stories, shared in the hope of enriching and strengthening our relationship with spirit; and in our surrender to the divine, that we may find the courage to renounce the superfluous and useless mask that we so vainly cling to and hide behind. When we collectively find the courage to descend into our emotional depth and vulnerability, and engage in direct honest interchange, only then do we experience the rich exchange of the heart that dissolves the boundaries of the ego—boundaries that serve only to keep us apart.
The name of this platform, NUITH, is founded on the name of an ancient Egyptian sky goddess Nut (pronounced Noot, like boot) or Nuit (sometimes pronounced “new-eat”, or like the French word “nuit” for night). The spelling that I chose to use is derived from Aleister Crowley’s XVII The Star, or Lady of the Stars. I pronounce it new-ith, where the “ith” is soft and similar to “with”. In my pronunciation Nuith has a soft flowing sound, appropriately similar to “New Earth”.
The Egyptian sky or star goddess Nuith is the personification of the heavens; and she is usually represented as a woman’s naked body arched over with hands and feet touching the earth. She is “The Milky Way”; the word “milky” being significant—like mother’s milk—as Nuith represents the cosmic idea of love. Mother of the sun and the stars—which she gives birth to daily—she is infinite space, and infinite potential, fully saturating everything, everywhere, all at once with love.
Nuith is a channel used by divine energy to manifest on earth. Fully open to the input from the spiritual plane she passes it on for the highest good of all. Ruled by Aquarius, she is also known as the water carrier or medium in this process; and continuously pours the universe back onto herself in a closed loop of blissful continuous transmutation.