Image of Aleister Crowley's design of NUITH,- The Star.



As we enter the age of Aquarius, we arrive at a new beginning; notably a time when the consciousness of humanity ascends to a higher dimension. Some of us are already feeling this shift, as we experience a new quality of existence, or sense that one is available to us. We see clearly into the nature of limitations and work at disentangling ourselves from the web of ensnarement.

As the old paradigm collapses many have been feeling and will feel like a leaden weight is blanketed over their energy field, if not over the entire earth. And indeed, it is. When creative power is blocked for extended periods of time, when the free flow of energy has been greatly restricted, energy stagnates and becomes dense. Through the mire we can lose our clarity of vision. Potentially feeling lost, alone, embittered and/or fearful, there is great danger in resigning ourselves to the status quo.

When we journey through a dark time however, it is possible to see things as they really are; to have vitally important experiences on our way to awareness. With real eyes we begin to understand how responsible we are for the creation of our world. We become increasingly aware that a world that lives predominantly in the dimension of the ego, the small “i” (where I am right and you are wrong), is not only divisive, exhausting, and unsustainable, but for many people nerve-racking, and even unlivable.

To be clear, this duality exists in every aspect of our existence; black and white, male and female, fire and water, me and you. To be human and to be in relationship with other humans, is to experience all dualities, all opposites. The goal is not to avoid duality, but to become whole individuals through the embodiment and unification of opposites; essentially becoming conscious through relationship. Every endeavor to connect is an expression of our yearning to establish Oneness. What we feel we are missing in ourselves we see in the other, as they are part of the lost “whole”.


I have a vivid memory of myself when I was in my early teens sitting on the concrete steps outside of my parents’ home. In that moment, I am looking up at the sky in deep contemplation, wondering where the universe ends; because it must end somewhere; and when it ends, is there a wall or will we find ourselves in a box; and what is on the other side of that “ending”; another universe perhaps?

That is the earliest memory I have of my lifelong insatiable quest for spiritual understanding, especially as it relates to our connection with the divine. At the age of seventeen I was reading books by Louise Hay and Richard Bach; and at the age of twenty-eight I was ordained as an interfaith minister through the Interfaith Seminary in New York City—now known as The All Faiths Seminary International.

After my ordination I spent a few years teaching, officiating weddings, writing for a spiritual magazine, participating in healing workshops, and working on a book. As I worked through the first draft of my book, I quickly realized how little I knew, and how many holes there were in my faith. My ordination was feeling more like a rite of passage than a vocation.

There were other areas of my life that I felt driven to work on. I had a very strong sense of wanting to connect with a soulmate, and that marriage to this man was an important milestone for me—indeed it was a milestone, as it would be another fifteen-year journey before I would finally connect with my husband.

I also knew that something was wrong with my overall health and that somehow the pursuit of health would be an integral part of my spiritual growth—I would continue to work relentlessly through that challenge until my health was finally restored later in life.

Image of Celia Alida Rutte.
Image of Celia Alida Rutte.


I have a vivid memory of myself when I was in my early teens sitting on the concrete steps outside of my parents’ home. In that moment, I am looking up at the sky in deep contemplation, wondering where the universe ends; because it must end somewhere; and when it ends, is there a wall or will we find ourselves in a box; and what is on the other side of that “ending”; another universe perhaps?

That is the earliest memory I have of my lifelong insatiable quest for spiritual understanding, especially as it relates to our connection with the divine. At the age of seventeen I was reading books by Louise Hay and Richard Bach; and at the age of twenty-eight I was ordained as an interfaith minister through the Interfaith Seminary in New York City—now known as The All Faiths Seminary International.

After my ordination I spent a few years teaching, officiating weddings, writing for a spiritual magazine, participating in healing workshops, and working on a book. As I worked through the first draft of my book, I quickly realized how little I knew, and how many holes there were in my faith. My ordination was feeling more like a rite of passage than a vocation.

There were other areas of my life that I felt driven to work on. I had a very strong sense of wanting to connect with a soulmate, and that marriage to this man was an important milestone for me—indeed it was a milestone, as it would be another fifteen-year journey before I would finally connect with my husband.

I also knew that something was wrong with my overall health and that somehow the pursuit of health would be an integral part of my spiritual growth—I would continue to work relentlessly through that challenge until my health was finally restored later in life.


New Earth


It can be argued that the human condition has been improving. As we look back through time, we see evidence of this in all the extraordinary ways we have adapted to dis-ease, and the things that cause us discomfort in life. Many things are working very well for humanity; but it is also becoming increasingly evident—even more so in the last four years (2020 to 2024)—that many things are not working for us at all. A quick search online through present day world news will easily clarify my point.

Through the Covid era I witnessed a rapidly growing grass-roots global movement of people. People like me, who believed that our current top-down structured approach to “dealing with” humanity and/or working through the challenges that the earth is facing, was not actually working. It certainly was not manifesting widely positive or popular outcomes.

This collection of souls, from all walks of life, understands that real change comes from the ground up, not the top down. They understand that excessive control is a form of fear; and that excessive fear is divisive, exhausting, and unsustainable.

The term “New Earth” has been emerging in conversations within this collective, but rather than referring to the biblical reference in Revelations, people seem to be referring to, quite simply, a new approach for humanity to live in harmony with each other, and the planet.

Through both spiritual awareness and the study of quantum science, it has become clear that every act of creation starts with an idea, an intention, or a thought; and that thought has a butterfly effect as it ripples through the earth and even out into the universe.

Whole-heartedly knowing this to be true I join hands with the like-minded souls from around the planet who trust that there is a better way and choose to devote their life here on this beautiful planet, to carving that way forward.